Installation view, ‘iKB’, Atelierfrankfurt, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 2015.


Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Curated by the artist, organised by Corinna Bimboese

iKB, being situated at the intersection of conceptual means of architecture in urban and personal spaces as well as latest screen technologies, operates on different levels of interactive perceptiveness and attention, linking these contexts through the medium of colour and art history references, all closely intertwined & carrying strong personal and emotional connotations. It revolves around Georg Hegel’s concept of a dualistic structure governing all personal and impersonal historicity: the dialectic between the whole and its parts.

By covering the roofs of five different locations with a deep marine bluish colour resembling Yves Klein’s famous International Klein Blue (IKB), a subjective map of places the artist lived in was created – marking the places that shaped his identity with iKB colour mark, visible on Google Maps to every internet user around the globe.

The five light boxes show specific coordinates referring to five chosen locations – starting from Syria, through Denmark to Frankfurt – creating a personal coordinate system, oscillating between virtual situatedness and technological abstraction.

Through use of multiple TV screens showcasing details of the work and an electric piano constantly playing one note, the artist was able to recreate the meditative aspect of roof painting process in an exhibition space.

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